Friday, November 17, 2017
Dyeing of Alpaca fiber

Before coloring, the alpaca fiber must experience different stages:
1. Selection of fleece, as indicated by shading, size and nature of fiber
2. "Escarminado", evacuation of grass, earth, thistles, and different polluting influences
3. Washing, to evacuate all the earth and oil
4. Spinning
Once the fiber is spotless, it is conceivable to start the procedure of coloring.
To color 1 kg of alpaca fleece with cochinilla (normal color),
1. Boil 5 liters of water in an aluminum can with 100 g of cochinilla for 60 minutes.
2. Sift and put the fiber in the water.
3. Boil again for a hour and include 50 lemons cut in equal parts.
4. Then take out the fleece and hang for drying.
Note: For coloring with another normal color (local plants), include 2 kg of the items to the water and bubble.