Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Why Textech?

The pieces of clothing fabricating area earned $19 billion in the year to June 2012.
Asia represents over 70% of the worldwide creation of
Textiles with South Asian nations rising as material powerhouses.
Bangladesh is contributing over US$ 2 billion to update
their Textile and Garment segment
Bangladesh now drives all South and South-East Asian
countries in its Apparel trades, remains as the world's third biggest clothing
exporter in `WTO' positioning and in Knitwear alone, is the second biggest fare
of Knit Apparel to EU after China.
Bangladesh is the third biggest exporter of Knitwear to the
EU on the planet
Getting down to business for the Textile and Apparel sends
out race are the South Asian Countries : India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and
Significant interests in the material and piece of clothing
part are going on in Bangladesh
The Textile and Garment Industry in Bangladesh Increased by
18.2% to Reach US$9.6bn
Bangladesh was the biggest exporter of cotton T-shirts and
was second for cotton pullover and pants fares to European nations in 2009. As
far as volume, the nation was the second biggest exporter of cotton pants to
the US a year ago
Bangladesh sends out were worth 2199 Million USD in May of